Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween everyone. When it came time to come up with a costume for the little man I thought nothing would  be better for our little stinker then a skunk. So the quest was on to find a skunk costume pattern at the fabric store. Grandma Chris used her amazing sewing skills to pull off this awesome skunk creation. It is soooo fuzzy and warm which was perfect for the cool trick or treating weather that we  had. Of course Oliver wasn't old enough to get candy yet but we tagged along with some friends of ours who have children Oliver's age and older. It was really a fun night out and a great first Halloween for Oliver. Thanks to all of you who sent Oliver his first Halloween cards. I put them in his baby book so when he gets older he can see all the people who thought of him on his first Halloween.
Oliver had another first and that was a trip to the Wollerman cottage. Grandma, Grandpa, and I made a trip up to Lakewood to rake the leaves at the cottage and spend a little time showing Oliver around. It was a really nice day and Oliver got to enjoy Great Grandpa Vern's swing. 

                                                            Enjoying the swing

Ready to hit the road to Lakewood

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