Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Routine

Well Oliver is now 13 days old! Time seems to be nonexistent and days and nights are rolled into one but we have started to establish some sort of a routine. I take the night shift and sleep downstairs where I have what I call my "Command Center". This is the recliner that I sit in to breastfeed, pump, rock, pass out in, and write to all of you. Erik and I are already wondering what the life my "Command Center is going to be. When Erik is working my Mom comes over around 8:30 to watch Oliver while I shower and have some time to get myself together. She helps me with some daily chores around the house and gives me some time to run errands and escape from the house for an hour or so.  Gunner can usually be found sleeping in his bed downstairs until he is sick of us and then he finds a sun patch upstairs to lay in. When he isn't sleeping you can find him at one of the windows looking out for chipmunks. It's like watching and episode of Tom and Jerry. We have one bold chipmunk that will sit on the patio step that leads into the house and will just stare at Gunner inside the house. Gunner will knock on the patio door with his paw and then the chipmunk will run to a new window and it starts over. Erik wants to "take care" of the chipmunk but I told him he's good entertainer for the dog.  Then around 5:30 Erik pulls in the driveway and Oliver, Gunner, and I are all happy to see him. Erik usually has his Oliver time which usually includes changing a poopy diaper (Erik always seems to get those) and having some snuggle time. When Erik is off to bed then my night shift begins again.

In the midst of our routine we have also had a lot of wonderful visitors in the past 13 days. Many family members have come over to soak up some Oliver time as well as many of our friends. We have really appreciated all their love, support, and wonderful dinners!

                                                                      Four Generations

Gunner at his post.

Grandma Chris helping out.

Me in my "Command Center"

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ollie Passes His First Test!!!!

The blanket in the picture was made by Grandma Chris.

My Mom and I took Oliver in on Friday to get tested for his Jaundice and we got the call back later that day that said his levels were normal and everything is ok. I guess those cloudy day sunning sessions worked.

Oliver had his first photo shoot today at our house. I planned his feedings around the shoot hoping that he would be zonked out and sleep for the pictures. Oliver had a different plan. He was awake the whole time but was like a little ball of clay. He let me position him any way the photographer wanted, even balanced on a wood swan decoy! The only problem with him  being awake was that when he laid on his side his chubby cheeks smashed one eye shut and it looked like he was giving the photographer the evil eye.I had to move his little cheeks around so that they could both be open. The photographer posted some pictures on her blog a few hours after she took them. You can check out the few that she posted at http://ohshootphotography-oshkosh.tblogspot.com/2011/04/o-baby.html under "O" Baby. Look for more pictures to be uploaded in the future.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 Week Old

It's hard to believe a week has already passed. Erik and I are starting to establish a routine at home but we haven't had a lot of normalcy since we have arrived home. Erik has been great with Oliver and soaks up every minute he can when he gets home from work. He doesn't hesitate to change a diaper or give a bath. He's such a good Dad already.  He has also been really helpful to me since I'm still healing and not 100% yet. Thank goodness I have a good teammate in all of this.
Oliver has been doing well. Since the doctor had to use a vacuum to get him out he is at a higher risk for Jaundice. His levels have been on the high side and we have to get him tested about every other day. Today he has another appointment and the doctor will make the final call on whether he needs a Billyrueben light or not. I have been bathing him in sunlight these last couple of days to help reduce the Jaundice. If only the sun would come out and cooperate.
Oliver is starting to smile! It is so adorable. At first I thought he was just making a funny face because he had to toot but it was a smile. He usually will smile when I talk to him. Mom and I are trying to decide if he has dimples or not. It looks like he could have one on each side. I guess it will be a mystery until the full smile comes out.
I often times stop and am just amazed by him. I think how did that little guy fit in my belly and those little feet are what was kicking me for the last few months. It is just plain amazing.

Who Does Oliver Look Like? Select your choice on the left hand side.

Many people have been asking us who Oliver looks like more. So I decided to wrangle up our baby pictures of Erik and I and let all of you decide who you think he looks like. Check out the pictures below and vote on the left side.

Erik's Baby Picture (Above)

                                                Heidi's Baby Picture (Above)

Oliver 1 Day Old (Above)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Oliver's first trip out. Who would of thought that he would have to wear a snowsuit in late April!
My Aunt Kathy made him some adorable hats. He gets compliments on them everywhere we go.

Great Grandparents Bonnie and Jim Salm

Grandpa and Grandma Salm visiting Oliver in the hospital.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oliver One Day Old

Oliver James and Grandpa Jim

Proud Mom and Dad with our Oliver

Oliver and I

Oliver getting inspected by the doctors

I was in labor for 26 hours and boy was I glad when it was all over!
One of the worst parts of the labor was that stupid blood pressure cup that was
twisting my arm every 15 minutes for 26 hours. I ripped it off the minute Oliver came.