Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ollie Passes His First Test!!!!

The blanket in the picture was made by Grandma Chris.

My Mom and I took Oliver in on Friday to get tested for his Jaundice and we got the call back later that day that said his levels were normal and everything is ok. I guess those cloudy day sunning sessions worked.

Oliver had his first photo shoot today at our house. I planned his feedings around the shoot hoping that he would be zonked out and sleep for the pictures. Oliver had a different plan. He was awake the whole time but was like a little ball of clay. He let me position him any way the photographer wanted, even balanced on a wood swan decoy! The only problem with him  being awake was that when he laid on his side his chubby cheeks smashed one eye shut and it looked like he was giving the photographer the evil eye.I had to move his little cheeks around so that they could both be open. The photographer posted some pictures on her blog a few hours after she took them. You can check out the few that she posted at under "O" Baby. Look for more pictures to be uploaded in the future.

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