Monday, August 22, 2011

4 Months

 Jumped until he couldn't jump anymore. He's looks like a mini Grandpa Wollerman in the Marines.

Well it is hard to believe that four months has arrived. Oliver had another appointment and the Doctor said he looks healthy and great. He is at the top of the charts again and his new stats are: Weight- 18.8 pounds, Height- 26 inches, and Head Circumference- 44 cms. Amazing huh?
We have had a couple of great milestones. The first is he is starting to laugh. If I make strange noises or tickle him he will giggle. It's adorable. The second is that he is starting baby food! I put him in his Bumpo seat, which his thunder thighs barely fit into and TRY to feed him. He seems to wear more then actually goes into his mouth.
Oliver has a new favorite toy, the Jumperoo. Oliver will spend an hour jumping up and down, up and down. It's like he has an inner tube stuck around his waist and he is trying to bounce it off. Most people dread going to the gym to get a work out like that and Oliver enjoys it! Maybe he's working out to get those thunder thighs in shape so they fit in the Bumpo leg holes.

                                                            Oliver's first piggy back ride.

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