Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Safe and Sound

You wouldn't think so but there are perks to flying with a small child. People are just so much nicer when you are traveling with a little one. We had several people help us through out our journey including the pilot of our plane! After we had gotten off the plane we were waiting for the airport workers to bring up Oliver's stroller from the cargo hold for quite awhile. Finally the pilot of our flight got off the plane and asked if we were waiting for our stroller. When we told him we were he went down of the tarmac and pulled our stroller out and brought it up for us. Talk about service! Oliver was awesome again on the way home and slept almost the whole time. We really had a nice time down in South Carolina but it is sure nice to be back home. Below are a few pictures from the rest of our trip. Enjoy!

He can touch his toes! Just needed a little help to keep them there!

Oliver and Abby playing.
Oliver's first water park experience. It lasted for 2 minutes.
Oliver and Abby. I don't know what that look is for.

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