Monday, June 6, 2011

Oliver's Video Debut

Oliver has begun to "talk". There has been lots of a-goo's and cooing going on which makes Gunner really curious. Erik and I sure like the change from crying and content to now crying, content, and cooing. Today I captured a little of this but of course when the camera is in front of him he tones it down a little bit but he still did a little talking to the camera. As you watch the video you may see the Gunner in the background checking out the noise and then realizing that it's Oliver he heads to the window in search for the illusive chipmunk he's been after. You can also see him starting to exercise the little tongue. He'll go for long periods of moving it all around and sticking it out and discovering what it can do. It's quite entertaining to watch. I apologize for the video being tilted. I turned my camera to get a full view of Oliver and it won't let me rotate it back to upright. Well I hear the little man waking up and he isn't cooing!

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