Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Simple Things

Hanging out in the swing by the window

So content and relaxed

Oliver has become very observant these last few weeks. I think his eyesight has improved quite a bit since he now follows objects from across the room and is content sitting in his swing and looking out the window at the trees blowing in the wind. I always wonder what he is thinking when he is discovering things in the world for the first time and is trying to wrap his mind around what he is seeing. It really reminds me to enjoy the simple wonders in life. Just like the other day, Oliver and I sat outside and watched the sunset over the fields in the backyard and I thought, wow Oliver saw his first sunset. How cool is that!
Oliver is also starting to smile more and more when I talk to him but my favorite time is right before he falls asleep. It is the sweetest thing to see him with his eyes closed, peaceful, and then give the biggest smile right before he falls into a deep sleep.  I can't think of a better way to have him nod off into sleep then with a smile. I know he is at peace and all is well in his world. I just wish this continued into the waking up process.

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