Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cruising Towards One Month!

Wow has time flown. Oliver is coming up on one month. It is amazing how much he has grown. He has officially surpassed the newborn clothing and now fits in the 0 to 3 month clothes. It got to the point were his little legs wouldn't fit in the outfits because they were to long! When I dress him in the 0-3 month clothes his torso, arms, and legs fit nicely but he doesn't quite fill out the middle of the clothes yet. Erik and I were wondering what his weight was so I dug up an old scale in the basement and we propped him up on the scale and weighed him. He looks like a little doll on that scale but he is up to 10 pounds now! His one month appointment is coming up on Monday so we'll see what the official weight is soon.

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