Saturday, May 21, 2011

Super Oliver

"Is someone in danger?"

Well Oliver had his one month check up this week and here are his stats. He now weighs 11 pounds 5 ounces and is 22 and half inches long. That's a gain of 3 and half pounds a growth spurt of about 2 inches! He is at the top of the charts for his height and weight. I joke with Erik that his son has the Wollerman genes and be taller then his Dad! As you can see in the picture Oliver is starting to develop the cute chunky baby legs. He's one roll in and starting to add roll number two to his thigh.
Oliver is also starting to make a variety of noises which are really funny to listen to. Sometimes Erik and I think we have a farm animal in our house. There is the baaaa of a sheep, neigh of a goat, and the oink of a pig. He definitely has farming in his genes.

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